Lowongan Kerja Business Development April 2025 - Page : 3
100 Loker Business Development Bulan April 2025. Silakan daftar lowongan pekerjaan Business Development dan yang sejenis serta cocok dengan bakat Anda berikut ini.
Lowongan Kerja Staff Business Development Area Solo
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab : 1. Meningkatkan pembelian konsumen terdahulu 2. Mengembangkan produk baru berdasarkan analisis pasar 3. Mengembangkan link kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Makassar
Qualification : Mampu bekerja sesuai target Mahir dalam berkomunikasi Fluent in English Berumur Max. 25 Tahun Dapat menggunakan Excell dan membuat report Jobdesk : Mampu
Lowongan Kerja Business Development
Company Description Description Gambaran Kerja : 1. Melakukan market research untuk pengembangan bisnis baru 2. Mencari dan mengelola produk principal Requirement Persyaratan : S1 /
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Associate Bandung
Responsibilities : Doing online & offline canvassing to get new leads pipeline Prospect and pitch new user / new business opportunities to meet sales target
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Intern
If You Are A University student studying in Indonesia At least in your 5th semester of study, OR An alumnus, max. 2 year after graduation
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Micro Insurance
We are currently building the #1 Insurtech in Southeast Asia that helps people to reach insurance in the most efficient way. Therefore we need talent
Lowongan Kerja BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Freelance/Part-time
Informasi Lowongan Tipe Pekerjaan Remote/On-site Fungsi Pekerjaan Penjualan dan Pemasaran Jenjang Karir Staf Senior Job Deskripsi Pengembangan jaringan dan identifikasi daftar calon klien Membangun dan
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Jam Kerja: Senin - Jumat: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB Sabtu: 08.00 - 13.00 WIB Benefit: Gaji pokok Insentif BPJS Kesehatan & Ketenagakerjaan
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Akuisisi Merchant Food
Jobdesc: Melakukan akuisisi Merchant Baru Mengajak merchant untuk ikut campaign promo Mengedukasi merchant Maintainance merchant Kriteria : - Min. D3 - Berpengalaman sebagai sales min,
Lowongan Kerja Business Development Associate - Surabaya
About Cove: Cove is the new way to rent your home! Aligned with our mission, we're a co-living start-up making it easier and more affordable