Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Coordinator PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa Balikpapan 2025
PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa BalikpapanLowongan Kerja PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa 2025 - PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa tengah membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi Kalian melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk mengisi formasi jabatan sebagai Customer Service Coordinator yang akan ditugaskan di Balikpapan. Silakan baca persyaratan rekrutmen selengkapnya berikut ini :
Loker PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Customer Service Coordinator Balikpapan TerbaruThe Customer Service Coordinator will play a vital role in managing customer relationships, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction, and overseeing the logistics and administrative aspects of the service and spare parts business.
- Respond promptly to customer inquiries, providing offers for services and spare parts.
- Process orders for spare parts and services, ensuring accuracy and timely coordination with sales and logistics teams.
- Provide after-sales support, manage warranty claims, and handle returns to ensure customer satisfaction.
- Collaborate with technical team and sales department.
- Coordinating with MCC spare part managers.
- Forwarding of service information’s.
- Pro-active offering of modification kits and exchange programs.
- Follow-up on quotations and evaluation of reasons for not received orders.
- Booking and invoicing of spare parts, service and warranty orders and follow-up.
- Arrange shipment of spare parts in collaboration with MCC Spare Part Managers.
- Forwarding of shipping documents to customers.
- Checking of sales invoices.
- Monitoring of accounts receivable and active collection of outstanding invoices together with finance department.
- Address and resolve customer complaints and issues efficiently, escalating complex problems when necessary.
- Co-ordination of part repairs.
- Run turnover statistics.
- Monitor and manage inventory levels of spare parts and coordinate spare part stock orders.
- Working according to rules with internal software
- Collect feedback from customers regarding their service experience and analyze it to identify opportunities for improvement.
Competencies & Requirements
- Signing according to signature regulations
- Booking of spare part sale, service and repair orders
- Issuing of spare part, service and repair invoices
- Offering of parts and repairs based on internal quotations (offer for spares from LWN or repairs from LNS) offers or based on actual price lists and given payment terms.
- Completed technical and/or technical apprenticeship
- Experience with part lists, preparing quotes and order administration
Special abilities, skills:
- Demonstrated initiative to visualize, organize, manage, and complete projects in individual and group settings.
- Ability to interface with all levels of staff.
- Demonstrated ability to handle confidential information.
- Assist the Company in any necessary duties to achieve Company goals.
- Perform other related duties as assigned.
- Exact and precise working
- Must maintain a valid driver’s license and passport at all times.
Foreign Languages:
- English fluent in both spoken and written
Our Offer
At Liebherr, you can expect a challenging, interesting area of work in an internationally successfull group of companies. We can offer you a secure job with the welfare benefit that a modern company provides and pay that reflects your performance
Have we awoken your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your online application. If you have any questions, please contact Sindy Nabila Putri.
One Passion. Many Opportunities.
The company
LocationPT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa
Jl. Mulawarman No. 17 Rt. 19, Kelurahan Manggar
76116 Balikpapan
Indonesia (ID)
Sindy Nabila Putri
Cara Melamar :
Bagi yang tertarik, segera lakukan pendaftaran dengan mengunjungi link berikut :
Keterangan Lain :
- Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahapan rekrutmen selanjutnya.
- Rekrutmen PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun.
Jika Saudara belum berminat dengan Loker Customer Service Coordinator Balikpapan April 2025 PT. Liebherr Indonesia Perkasa tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info pekerjaan yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Balikpapan di bawah ini.
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Tentang tim: Akuisisi Pedagang, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengakuisisi pedagang untuk bergabung dengan Produk Perusahaan Tujuan Utama: 1. Melakukan pendekatan dan kesepakatan untuk bergabung dengan