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Lowongan Kerja Student Advisor And English Teacher Surabaya Barat SUN Education Group Surabaya 2025

SUN Education Group Surabaya

Rekrutmen SUN Education Group 2025 - SUN Education Group kembali memberi peluang karir untuk Teman-teman melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Student Advisor and English Teacher Surabaya Barat yang akan ditempatkan di Surabaya. Silakan baca info lowongan kerja selengkapnya di bawah ini :

Loker SUN Education Group 2025

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Student Advisor and English Teacher Surabaya Barat Surabaya Terbaru

SUN Education Group is the leading and the most complete international educational consultancy firm in Indonesia. Our core business is to provide services to students who want to study abroad particularly in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia Pathway, UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Netherland, Italy, Canada and USA. We have 24 offices throughout Indonesia and have a global network of partners across the world.

As a successful, fast growing and innovative company, we are accelerating our growth within the market. We realize that our greatest asset is people and as such, we provide a challenging and exciting environment for the best in the market.

With leaders that hold a clear vision for the future, along with a team full of diverse professionals, we are looking for young, energetic, dynamic and experienced people to fulfill our vacant positions.
Advise and assist clients (students) choosing the suitable english preparation program

Achieve student recruitment target (selling our services).

Involved in promotions, campaign, and special event activities such as company's exhibition or school expo.

Manage courses schedule and progress.

Able to assess and continuously monitor the student progress

Planning, preparing, and delivering lesson to students

Assessing and continuously monitoring student’s progress.

Assessing and recording student’s progress by setting and making coursework and examination.

Providing personal feedback to student.
Min. Bachelor’s Degree.

Strong passion in Sales and Services.

Minimum has one year of experience in sales.

A good command in English both verbal and written.

Able teaching math (SAT, GMAT, GRE) is preferable

Experience in teaching IELTS, TOEFL, and Test preparation program is an advantage

Posses good attitude, discipline, hardworking, and have passion on teaching

Smartworking and outgoing personality.

A resilient person.

Strong passion in education field and dealing with people

Placement: SUN Education Group Surabaya Barat Branch

Cara Melamar :

Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara daring melalui laman di bawah ini :

Ketentuan :

  • Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan rekrutmen selanjutnya.
  • Rekrutmen SUN Education Group ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.

Apabila Saudara belum berminat dengan Loker Student Advisor and English Teacher Surabaya Barat Surabaya Maret 2025 SUN Education Group di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info loker yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Surabaya di bawah ini.

Disclaimer ! hanya memberikan informasi lowongan kerja. Semua yang berhubungan dengan pendaftaran lamaran ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pemasang lowongan kerja terkait. Harap maklum.

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