Lowongan Kerja Team Leader Linehaul Balikpapan Ninja Van Balikpapan 2025
Ninja Van BalikpapanRekrutmen Ninja Van 2025 - Ninja Van kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk Saudara melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna menempati formasi jabatan sebagai Team Leader Linehaul Balikpapan yang akan ditugaskan di Balikpapan. Silakan simak keterangan loker selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Loker Ninja Van 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Team Leader Linehaul Balikpapan Balikpapan TerbaruNinja Van is a tech-enabled logistics company on a mission to provide hassle-free delivery services for businesses of all sizes across Southeast Asia. Launched in 2014, we started operations in Singapore and have become the region's largest and fastest growing last-mile logistics company, partnering with over 35,000 merchants and delivering more than 1,000 parcels every minute across six countries.
At our core, we are a technology company that is disrupting a massive industry with cutting-edge software and operational concepts. Powered by algorithm-based optimisation, dynamic routing, end-to-end tracking and a data-driven approach, we provide best-of-class delivery services that delight both the shippers and end customers. But we are just getting started! We have much room for improvement and many ideas that will further shape the industry.Requirements,
- Fresh graduate or have the same work experience in their field
- extreme attention to detail, time management
- clear friendly verbal & written communication,
- priority having skilled in spreadsheet (google sheet/excel)
Submit a job application By applying to the job, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to our Privacy Policy Notice (the “Notice”) and consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data by Ninja Logistics Pte Ltd (the “Company”) for the purposes set out in the Notice. In the event that your job application or personal data was received from any third party pursuant to the purposes set out in the Notice, you warrant that such third party has been duly authorised by you to disclose your personal data to us for the purposes set out in the the Notice.
- Ketepatan pengiriman berdasarkan jadwal tiba dan Ketepatan pengiriman berdasarkan durasi pengiriman dengan menggunakan aplikasi.
- Ketepatan eksekusi jadwal dibandingkan dengan aktual (Komponen: rute, driver, nopol unit, wave, dan departure on time)
- Melakukan audit terhadap seluruh aktivitas logistik
- Mengelola seluruh unit agar mencapai ritase minimum dalam sehari, serta menghitung rata-rata ritase seluruh unit.
- Meminimalisir tingkat kecelakaan atau LTIFR dari keseluruhan unit yang ada.
Aplikasi Lamaran :
Bagi yang tertarik, silakan lakukan pengisian form dengan mengunjungi link di bawah :
Catatan :
- Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti tahap seleksi selanjutnya.
- Lowongan Ninja Van ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali.
Apabila Kalian belum berminat dengan Loker Team Leader Linehaul Balikpapan Balikpapan April 2025 Ninja Van di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info pekerjaan yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Balikpapan berikut ini.
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Tentang tim: Akuisisi Pedagang, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengakuisisi pedagang untuk bergabung dengan Produk Perusahaan Tujuan Utama: 1. Melakukan pendekatan dan kesepakatan untuk bergabung dengan