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Lowongan Kerja CSR Permit Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai 2024

SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai

Rekrutmen SMART Agribusiness and Food 2024 - SMART Agribusiness and Food saat ini memberi peluang karir bagi Saudara melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi formasi jabatan sebagai CSR Permit Officer yang akan ditugaskan di Dumai. Silakan simak keterangan lowongan kerja selengkapnya di bawah ini :

Lowongan Kerja SMART Agribusiness and Food 2024

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja CSR Permit Officer Dumai Terbaru

Job Description Summary:

Doing work related to functions and responsibilities of Corporate Social Responsibility, general affair and legal related to factories.
Job Description:

  • Identify and assess the social and environmental aspects of the community for the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility program.
  • Identify and plan the stewardship needs of plant operating licenses relating to local agencies.
  • Make concepts of social events that have been determined.
  • Selection and analysis of submitted proposals related to social activities.
  • Responsible for administrative tasks for the needs of events / social events, ex. Notice, Invite, Minute, Internal Memo etc.
  • Coordinate with government agencies and private sector related to social activities of society and environment.
  • Ensure that planned social activities are going well and according to plan.
  • Ensure that the licensing stewardship works well and according to plan.
  • Creating and reporting on reports on CSR activities that have been undertaken and plans for subsequent activities.
  • Implement quality management system, GMP +, (Feed Safety Assurance Scheme), sustainable system e.g. ISCC, ISO, SMK3, OHSAS 18001 and Halal.
  • Prevent the occurrence of events resulting in work accidents and environmental pollution.
  • Comply with EHS regulations.
Job Requirement:
  • Candidate must possess in Bachelor Degree in any major.
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in CSR.
  • Willing to be located in Lubuk Gaung (Riau)
“Our company has never levied any fees for recruitment process nor has it required to order tickets and accommodation through a certain travel agent or certain person”

Pendaftaran :

Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara daring melalui laman berikut ini :

Keterangan :

  • Hanya pemohon terbaik yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya.
  • Rekrutmen SMART Agribusiness and Food ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.

Jika Saudara tidak tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja CSR Permit Officer Dumai Desember 2024 SMART Agribusiness and Food tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info pekerjaan yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Dumai di bawah ini.

Disclaimer ! hanya memberikan informasi lowongan kerja. Semua yang berhubungan dengan pendaftaran lamaran ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pemasang lowongan kerja terkait. Harap maklum.

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