Lowongan Kerja Inspector Maret 2025
21 Loker Inspector Bulan Maret 2025. Silakan pilih lowongan pekerjaan Inspector dan yang terkait serta cocok dengan minat Anda berikut ini.
Lowongan Kerja HSE Fleet & Facility Inspector - SPX Express Kudus, Jawa Tengah
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Individual Contributor) LocationIndonesia - Jakarta The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a
Lowongan Kerja Quality Inspector Coatings
The Quality Inspector applies their conceptual knowledge of inspection and, with a moderate level of guidance and direction from colleagues and leadership, is responsible for
Lowongan Kerja Quality Inspector Insulation - ICORR Qualified
Job Overview: The Quality Inspector applies their conceptual knowledge of inspection and, with a moderate level of guidance and direction from colleagues and leadership, is
Lowongan Kerja Quality Control Inspector
ICBP - Nutrition and Special Food Padalarang - Bandung Barat SMA Lulusan Baru - Kontrak Persyaratan Pekerjaan Lulusan SMK (Kimia Analis/Kimia Industri) atau SMA (IPA)
Lowongan Kerja Associate Quality Inspector Painting Discipline
Job Overview: The Associate Quality Inspector can utilize existing inspection procedures to solve routine or standard problems. They receive instruction, guidance, and direction from others
Lowongan Kerja Inspector
Kualifikasi: - S1 Teknik Sipil - Usia 23-30 th - pengalaman di bidangnya minimal 2 tahun - bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh proyek - Tegas dan
Lowongan Kerja Inspector Singkawang
Responsibilities Melakukan pemeriksaan mobil bekas secara detail dengan mengikuti standar operasional perusahaan, termasuk pemeriksaan terhadap mobil bekas yang pernah terendam banjir atau mengalami tabrakan. Bertanggung
Lowongan Kerja Inspector Scaffolding
To report to HT Executive Scaff/Manager/HOD and ensure proper inspection of scaffolding activities, towers etc upon erection and weekly inspection prior putting OK tag He
Lowongan Kerja QC Inspector HT
He will be an QC Inspector in-charge on repair projects and may handle 1-2 vessels, depends on the quantum of hull treatment work He will
Lowongan Kerja Quality Inspector
Job Description Summary Perform gas turbine component inspection using appropriate measurement tools and non-destructive testing repair process to ensure the final product meets the acceptance