Lowongan Kerja Bali Maret 2025 - Page : 7
100 Loker Bali Bulan Maret 2025. Silakan pilih lowongan pekerjaan Bali dan yang serupa serta cocok dengan bakat Anda berikut ini.
Lowongan Kerja KASIR BALI
Kualifikasi : Pendidikan minimal SMK Akuntansi. Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang distributor. Menguasai Ms. Office (Word, Excel, dsb). Jujur, teliti, cekatan, ulet, bertanggungjawab. Mampu
Jenis Kelamin Pria Usia (minimal dan maksimal) 24 - 35 tahun Pendidikan S1 Pengalaman Kerja 2 tahun Punya pengalaman menjual mesin kopi, dan memiliki networking
Lowongan Kerja Daily Worker Baker
Daily Worker Baker Tamatan baru silakan apply Pengalaman kerja minimal 6 bulan (training) di bidang baking atau pastry. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang teknik membuat roti, kue,
Lowongan Kerja DW - Telephone Operator
DW - Telephone Operator One year of experience in the same position Positive attitude and good communication skills Good English literacy, both spoken and written
Lowongan Kerja Front Office Staff
Front Office Staff Minimum 1 years of relevant experienced in the same position Have a relevant educational background with those positions Good interpersonal and communication
Lowongan Kerja Engineering - Internship Training Program
Engineering - Internship Training Program Have a relevant educational background with those positions Confidence highly motivated passionately work in Team Able to join immediately "Waspada
Lowongan Kerja Housekeeping - Internship Training Program
Housekeeping - Internship Training Program Have a relevant educational background with those positions Confidence highly motivated passionately work in Team Able to join immediately "Waspada
Lowongan Kerja FB Service - Internship Training Program
FB Service - Internship Training Program Have a relevant educational background with those positions Confidence highly motivated passionately work in Team Able to join immediately
Lowongan Kerja Front Office - Internship Training Program
Front Office - Internship Training Program Have a relevant educational background with those positions Confidence highly motivated passionately work in Team Able to join immediately
Lowongan Kerja IT Staff
IT Staff Minimum 1 years of relevant experienced in the same position Have a relevant educational background with those positions Confidence highly motivated passionately work