Lowongan Kerja Resort Operation Manager Assistant Manager Cove Eco Resort Sorong 2025
Cove Eco Resort SorongRekrutmen Cove Eco Resort 2025 - Cove Eco Resort saat ini membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi Kalian melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Resort Operation Manager Assistant Manager yang akan ditugaskan di Sorong. Silakan lihat info lowongan kerja selengkapnya berikut ini :
Rekrutmen Cove Eco Resort 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Resort Operation Manager Assistant Manager Sorong Terbaru1. Housekeeping Department
- Supervise housekeeping activities to ensure room cleaning is done correctly.
- Supervise housekeeping for laundry.
- Checking room to make sure cleaning is done properly before guest check in and make sure everything is in order when guest check out.
- Keeping a log for towel and sheet to make sure nothing is missing
2. Logistic Department
- Arrange schedule of logistic according to boat schedule .
- Get list of logistic from each department and liaise with accounting and logistic Sorong for advance payment and approval for purchasing from director.
- Reporting Delivery order report upon receiving logistic to close order for that period.
- Working together with engineering dept to report fuel stock and fuel needed in line with guest .
- Provide monthly report on storage stock for all department
3. Reservation
- Schedule for pick up and drop off for guests together with Sorong.
- Making sure guests are having a great time, and accommodate their needs to the best of our ability.
- Cashier and report to accounting for petty cash and guest cash transaction.
- Arrange Pick up and drop off guests in Waisai or Sorong
4. HR Department
- Taking absence of all staffs.
- Report absence to HR Corporate monthly for salary.
- Cash salary payment if needed for villager staffs.
- Finding staffs to fill positions if needed.
- Scheduling and monitoring all staffs for daily work
This position requires high communication skill to guests and staffs of other department.
We strongly demand honesty, integrity, and loyalty of whoever holds this position.
5 years experience in the similar position in the hospitality industry is required.
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: Rp1,000,000,000 - Rp1,800,000,000 per month
Application Question(s):
- Will you be able to move to Raja Ampat (Papua Barat Daya)?
- What is your expected monthly take home pay?
- D1-D4 (Required)
- Operation Manager/Supervisor in the Hospitality Industry: 5 years (Required)
- English (Required)
Expected Start Date: 06/21/2024
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui link berikut ini :
Perhatian :
- Hanya pemohon terbaik yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti tahap penerimaan berikutnya.
- Lowongan Cove Eco Resort ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.
Jika Anda tidak tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja Resort Operation Manager Assistant Manager Sorong Maret 2025 Cove Eco Resort tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info loker yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Sorong berikut ini.
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