Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia Visibility Public Home Credit Indonesia Bengkulu 2024
Home Credit Indonesia BengkuluLowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia 2024 - Home Credit Indonesia sedang memberi peluang karir untuk Teman-teman melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati formasi jabatan sebagai Home Credit Indonesia visibility public yang akan ditempatkan di Bengkulu. Silakan baca info rekrutmen selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Loker Home Credit Indonesia 2024
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Home Credit Indonesia visibility public Bengkulu TerbaruHome Credit is a multinational tech-based financial services company. We exist in 9 countries around the world. Our vision is to bring to market financial products that improve the life and lifestyles of our customers. From financing, protection, PayLater, to e-money – we got them covered! Our presence can be found both online and offline.
We responsibly deliver trusted financial services that customers and business partners access via their channel of choice. We continually meet evolving needs, both directly and through innovative ecosystems – helping to build a more resilient world.
Everyone at Home Credit Indonesia is not afraid of new challenges. Our passion is not only to create new innovations, but we also hold a strong courage and continue to seek chances to turn our innovative visions into reality. More than our 6.000 employees embrace these values to ensure our success in building a better today and a brighter tomorrow.
Apa yang akan kamu kerjakan:
Menawarkan produk pembayaran Home Credit Indonesia di outlet rekanan
Mempromosikan produk pembiayaan Home Credit Indonesia melalui Media Sosial
Melayani dan memandu pelanggan dalam proses pembayaran menggunakan produk Home Credit Indonesia
Jika kamu:
Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat & diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman kerja min 2 Tahun sebagai Sales HP/ Elektronik
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Komunikatif dan menyukai tantangan
Berpenampilan rapi
Memiliki smartphone Android
Bersedia ditempatkan di outlet rekanan Home Credit Indonesia, baik di Street area ataupun Mall area di wilayah Bengkulu.
Benefit yang kamu dapatkan:
Penghasilan Bulanan
Insentif Tanpa Batas
Jenjang Karir
Asuransi Kesehatan
Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Diri
Pendaftaran :
Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara daring melalui laman di bawah ini :
Ketentuan :
- Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahapan rekrutmen lebih lanjut.
- Seleksi Penerimaan Home Credit Indonesia ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun.
Apabila Anda tidak tertarik dengan Loker Home Credit Indonesia visibility public Bengkulu Desember 2024 Home Credit Indonesia di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info pekerjaan yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Bengkulu di bawah ini.
Related Jobs:
Job Descriptions : Clean glasses, utensils, and bar equipment Stock bar and supplies such as ice, glassware, napkins, or straws Take beverage orders from serving
Manage & oversee services and products offered in an outlet's operations Oversees stock level for products and supplies Handling customers enquiries and complaints Daily ordering
Lowongan Kerja COOK/HELPER
Mempersiapkan masakan sesuai dengan strandar resep. Bertanggung jawab dalam memelihara kebersihan dapur dan juga inventori bahan makanan dan perlengkapan dapur. Memiliki pengetahuan sebagai cook &
Lowongan Kerja SERVER
Takes the guest’s orders, serves food and beverages, prepares itemized checks and accepts payments for processing. The Server is the primary person responsible for clearing
Lowongan Kerja LEADER
Responsible for specific area for cloud kitchen especially in administration issue (DSR, weekly and monthly Inventory, Cash count) Supervised staffs grooming and maintaining Floor plan