Lowongan Kerja Corporate Communication Staff Impack Pratama Industri Jakarta 2025
Impack Pratama Industri JakartaRekrutmen Impack Pratama Industri 2025 - Impack Pratama Industri sedang memberi kesempatan berkarir untuk Kalian melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Corporate Communication Staff yang akan ditempatkan di Jakarta. Silakan simak keterangan loker selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Lowongan Kerja Impack Pratama Industri 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Corporate Communication Staff Jakarta TerbaruWORK AT IMPACK
Impack is a company deeply committed to progress and dynamic growth. Our workplace fosters an environment where your potential takes center stage. We’ve nurtured an environment where each team member has an equal opportunity to access knowledge development and to have the chance to elevate their skills and work attitudes.
At Impack, we understand that the capacity development will become the foundation for our employees in achieving their path to their personal and professional success. This, in turn, will pave the way for a more productive and sustainable workplace.
Corporate Communication Staff
As a Corporate Communication Staff, you will be responsible for maintaining positive image of the company, managing internal and external communication, and also ensuring information disclosure to stakeholders and general public.
- Bachelor’s degree in Communication, Public Relations, Law, Management or related fields.
- Minimum 2 years of work experience in corporate communication, public relations and/or related positions in Public Company (Tbk).
- Excellent communications skills, both verbal and written, in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Comprehend content management systems, also communication and presentation through digital platforms.
- Could work independently or as a part of a team.
- Good time management skills.
Main Job Description:
- Manage and update company’s website and email.
- Manage media and general public communication, to enhance positive image of the company.
- Create press release materials, articles and other contents; and distribute promptly.
- Monitor and response external inquiries via company’s email or other communication platforms.
- Managing administrative works related to corporate communication activities.
To apply, please send your CV including your recent photograph and contact number to: [email protected]. Subject: Corporate Communication Staff
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Bagi yang berminat, silakan melakukan pendaftaran dengan mengunjungi link berikut :
Perhatian :
- Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahapan rekrutmen selanjutnya.
- Seleksi Penerimaan Impack Pratama Industri ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali.
Jika Saudara tidak tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja Corporate Communication Staff Jakarta April 2025 Impack Pratama Industri di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info pekerjaan yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Jakarta di bawah ini.
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