Lowongan Kerja Welder Fitter Gas Power Global Supply Chain Bandung 2025
Gas Power Global Supply Chain BandungLowongan Kerja Gas Power Global Supply Chain 2025 - Gas Power Global Supply Chain kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk Anda melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Welder Fitter yang akan ditugaskan di Bandung. Silakan simak keterangan lowongan kerja selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Lowongan Kerja Gas Power Global Supply Chain 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Welder Fitter Bandung TerbaruJob Description Summary
PT GE NUSANTARA TURBINE SERVICES is a Joint Venture between GE Company and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) which primarily resides in gas turbine components repair and service business.Job Description
Required Skills:
- Capable to weld damaged components with Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) method and to inspect the results according to the instruction and with satisfying level of quality such that the components can be returned to serviceable condition
- Able to perform dimensional correction as needed to ensure component align with GE component drawing requirement, as well as perform do-check on component dimension after correction
- Capable to use pneumatic-powered tools such as hand or die grinder to for surface preparation and finishing of the components
- Upkeeping working environment according to the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) and company policy
- Maintaining the condition of the tools, equipment, machineries and workstation of the inspection process to improve process efficiency
- Identify and communicate deviations from the engineering specification during the process with the appropriate communication method to Supervisor, Product Engineer to determine next course of action.
Basic Qualification:
- Min. D3 Engineering or Technical High School (SMK) with Mechanical/Aeronautics focus
- 2 years of experience as Welder/Fitter,
- Capable to differentiate gas turbine part/components and using appropriate materials for welding,
- Experienced in using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) method and pneumatic-powered tools (hand grinder, air grinder, belt sander, etc.),
- Capable to follow working procedure and working instruction,
- Capable to use basic measurement tools on under repair and finished components,
- Capable to write a working report,
- Willing to stay in Bandung.
Additional Requirement:
- Compliant to company regulation,
- Compliant to EHS regulation,
- Familiar with ISO 9001:2015,
- A person with high integrity, innovative and honoring of GE intellectual property,
- High teamwork capability, focused, diligent, and accountable,
- Honest and having a high loyalty to the company.
Additional Information
Relocation Assistance Provided: No
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
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Perhatian :
- Hanya pemohon terbaik yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti tahapan rekrutmen berikutnya.
- Seleksi Penerimaan Gas Power Global Supply Chain ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.
Apabila Anda belum berminat dengan Rekrutmen Welder Fitter Bandung April 2025 Gas Power Global Supply Chain di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info pekerjaan yang sejenis dari beberapa perusahaan di Bandung di bawah ini.
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