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Lowongan Kerja Customer Support Specialist Cargill Pasuruan 2025

Cargill Pasuruan

Rekrutmen Cargill 2025 - Cargill kembali memberi peluang karir bagi Teman-teman melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna menempati formasi jabatan sebagai Customer Support Specialist yang akan ditugaskan di Pasuruan. Silakan baca keterangan rekrutmen selengkapnya berikut ini :

Lowongan Kerja Cargill 2025

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Customer Support Specialist Pasuruan Terbaru

Cargill’s size and scale allows us to make a positive impact in the world. Our purpose is to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way.
We are a family company providing food, ingredients, agricultural solutions and industrial products that are vital for living. We connect farmers with markets so they can prosper. We connect customers with ingredients so they can make meals people love. And we connect families with daily essentials — from eggs to edible oils, salt to skincare, feed to alternative fuel. Our 160,000 colleagues, operating in 70 countries, make essential products that touch billions of lives each day. Join us and reach your higher purpose at Cargill.
Job Purpose and Impact

The Customer Support Specialist, will administer routine customer enabling activities of the order management process and will help execute well established customer service activities with regards to order intake, confirmation, processing and fulfillment. In this role, you will assist in achieving streamlined and optimized internal processes that promote a seamless customer experience. Key Accountabilities

Follow standard procedures and provide insights regarding order status, invoices, contract balances and other information needed to complete an order to customer facing customer service representatives.
Oversee customer orders and work cross functionally to confirm credit, contract, pricing, stock allocation, and transportation availability alignment.
Resolve low complexity process issues that follow already defined procedures related to order confirmation, processing and fulfillment.
Support the generation of order related documents using knowledge of local legislation, local documentation and basic understanding of local regulations and languages in which customer conducts business operations.
Update internal stakeholders on order status and any issues.
Identify potential obstacles in the order management internal process and work with other functions and customer facing customer service representatives to take corrective actions using your basic analytical capabilities.
Handle basic issues and problems under direct supervision, while escalating more complex issues to appropriate staff.
Other duties as assigned Qualifications
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
1 year contract employment

Tata Cara Pendaftaran :

Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui link di bawah ini :

Catatan :

  • Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahap penerimaan lebih lanjut.
  • Seleksi Penerimaan Cargill ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.

Apabila Kalian tidak tertarik dengan Rekrutmen Customer Support Specialist Pasuruan April 2025 Cargill di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info rekrutmen yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Pasuruan di bawah ini.

Disclaimer ! hanya memberikan informasi lowongan kerja. Semua yang berhubungan dengan pendaftaran lamaran ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pemasang lowongan kerja terkait. Harap maklum.

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