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Lowongan Kerja Nusantics Visibility Public Nusantics Banyuwangi 2025

Nusantics Banyuwangi

Lowongan Kerja Nusantics 2025 - Nusantics kembali memberi peluang karir untuk Saudara melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Nusantics visibility public yang akan ditempatkan di Banyuwangi. Silakan simak info rekrutmen selengkapnya berikut ini :

Lowongan Kerja Nusantics 2025

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Nusantics visibility public Banyuwangi Terbaru

Nusantics is a genomics application company founded in 2019 with the ever growing belief in the importance of Microbiome balance in life. We are focused in providing sustainable solutions through science and nature. We aspire to make microbiome and the importance of balanced living as a part of our lifestyle. We believe that sustainability is more than just recycling and recovery. Sustainability should start in our mind as consumers; to be conscious of everything that we do and consume.
Responsible for ensuring the laboratory operation runs smoothly and efficiently.

Responsible for conducting the procedures related to IQA/Internal Quality Assurance (PMI/Pemantapan Mutu Internal) and EQA/External Quality Assurance (PME/Pemantapan Mutu Eksternal) following the established procedure and complying with the government regulations.

Responsible for ensuring the established guidelines and procedures have been understood, followed, and implemented properly by all team members.

Responsible for ensuring compliance related to all Environment, Occupational Health, and Safety (EHS) program requirements in the laboratory where biological agents of concern are used, handled, or stored.

Responsible for investigating any issues related to customer complaints, non-conformity during the analysis and reporting process, and incidents in the laboratory.

Responsible for investigating associated laboratory accidents and incidents.

Assist in the supervision of staff and promote teamwork, deal with any staff issues that may arise from time to time i.e. grievances, disciplinary matters, and others.

Assist in training new staff on workflow and guideline/ procedure/working instruction etc. Handling any customer complaints or queries as necessary and wisely.

Assist in administrative matters as and when required and ensure all documents are systematically filed.

Responsible for monitoring all activities related to repair, maintenance, and calibration of the laboratory equipment, and ensuring that all laboratory equipment runs well as per specification of the equipment.

Responsible for monitoring and ensuring the analysis result and report is finished within the schedule.

Responsible for ensuring the process, from receiving samples from the operational team to publishing the report, was conducted properly, including customer data verification.
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science/Engineering, Biology, Pharmaceuticals, Chemistry, Chemical/Industrial Engineering or other related major.

Having at least 5 years of working experience in the laboratory, preferred in the medical laboratory, with at least 3 years of experience as a supervisor.

Having experience in the Lab Operational, including Quality and Laboratory Management System is a must

Having experience in molecular biology techniques is an added value.

Understanding in GLP, ISO 9001, and ISO 17025 is a must

Good computer skills, experience with Microsoft Office and laboratory system

Able to work with a team, having good communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills.

Thorough & nimble, finished report within time scheduled

Cara Melamar :

Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui link berikut ini :

Catatan :

  • Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi lebih lanjut.
  • Rekrutmen Nusantics ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.

Apabila Saudara tidak berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja Nusantics visibility public Banyuwangi Maret 2025 Nusantics tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info loker yang sejenis dari beberapa perusahaan di Banyuwangi di bawah ini.

Disclaimer ! hanya memberikan informasi lowongan kerja. Semua yang berhubungan dengan pendaftaran lamaran ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pemasang lowongan kerja terkait. Harap maklum.

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