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Lowongan Kerja Booking Agent Integral Diagnostic Group Metro 2025

Integral Diagnostic Group Metro

Rekrutmen Integral Diagnostic Group 2025 - Integral Diagnostic Group sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk Saudara melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Booking Agent yang akan ditempatkan di Metro. Silakan simak persyaratan lowongan kerja selengkapnya di bawah ini :

Lowongan Kerja Integral Diagnostic Group 2025

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Booking Agent Metro Terbaru

Vacancy No




Employment Type

Full Time






Metro South



Applications Close Date


Integral Diagnostics is a leading provider of quality diagnostic imaging services through its highly skilled medical professionals and investment in its technology platforms. One of the largest radiology providers in Australia Integral Diagnostics has established a strong reputation for quality, excellence, and innovation.

Apex Radiology (formally Global Diagnostics) started out in 1996 in the South West of Western Australia and is one of the leading providers of diagnostic imaging services in Western Australia. In 2014, Apex Radiology joined the Integral Diagnostics Group to become part of one of the largest private radiology providers in Australia and New Zealand. Apex Radiology provides comprehensive Radiology and Tele-radiology services to private medical facilities, public hospitals, WACHS (Western Australia Country Health Service) and also operates a series of stand-alone medical imaging practices across Western Australia.

Key Responsibilities

Apex Radiology at O’Connor is seeking an experienced full time Booking Centre Agent to be of part our team as the face of our organisation, as you deliver on the highest standards of services to patients, referrers, and community.
Reporting to the local Administration Supervisor, your responsibilities will include:
  • Representing Apex Radiology as the first impression of the practice as you meet and greet patients at the front desk.

  • Answering the telephone and respond to patient enquiries in an efficient and sensitive manner

  • Make patient bookings while maximising appointment slots

  • Informing patients of relevant preparation, costing estimates, and requirement to present relevant concession cards.

  • Actioning patient referrals as part of a multi-disciplinary team comprising of fellow Receptionists, Booking Centre Agents, Radiologists, Radiographers, Sonographers and Nuclear Medicine Technologists.

  • Self-Leading with a consistent Patient First approach.

  • Passion for quality patient care and the healthcare industry

  • Previous medical receptionist experience using patient entry or bookings system – Medical Imaging, GP or Allied Health (highly desirable)

  • Excellent communication skills to build rapport with patients, referrers, and staff by both listening, speaking and writing.

  • Display compassion and empathy whilst remaining calm under pressure.

  • Ability to work autonomously as well as part of a team.

  • Keen eye for detail to ensure accurate data entry into our RIS system as well as EFTPOS and cash handling.

  • Proven competency with technology and the ability to use multiple platforms simultaneously.

  • Permanent Full Time hours with a leading professional company including;

  • o Subsidised uniforms
    o Free parking
    o Modern working facilities
  • THRIVE Wellbeing Program offering Emotional, Financial, Physical and Social opportunities.

  • Specialist expertise and chance to expand your medical terminology and knowledge.

  • Career and Professional Development opportunities

  • Access to our Employee Assistance Program EAP

  • Discounted Medical Imaging

  • This is a FULL-TIME role working Monday to Friday at our state-of-the-art branch in O’Connor. Shifts are rostered 4 weeks in advance.

    Simply visit to update your interest in this role via our candidate portal. Not already registered? Please submit your resume by selecting “Apply”. For further questions, please contact Emily [email protected] for further inquiries.
    We encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians with relevant skills and experience to apply
    Please note: Police check, Covid vaccination and Australian working rights will be required for successful applican

    Tata Cara Pendaftaran :

    Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui tautan berikut ini :

    Keterangan :

    • Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahap seleksi lebih lanjut.
    • Rekrutmen Integral Diagnostic Group ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali.

    Apabila Kalian tidak tertarik dengan Loker Booking Agent Metro April 2025 Integral Diagnostic Group tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info rekrutmen yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Metro berikut ini.

    Disclaimer ! hanya memberikan informasi lowongan kerja. Semua yang berhubungan dengan pendaftaran lamaran ditangani sepenuhnya oleh pemasang lowongan kerja terkait. Harap maklum.

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