Lowongan Kerja Director Of Medical And Nursing Services Expatriate Position Aspen Medical Makassar 2025
Aspen Medical MakassarRekrutmen Aspen Medical 2025 - Aspen Medical tengah membuka peluang karir untuk Kalian melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Director of Medical and Nursing Services Expatriate Position yang akan ditugaskan di Makassar. Silakan baca persyaratan lowongan kerja selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Loker Aspen Medical 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Director of Medical and Nursing Services Expatriate Position Makassar TerbaruPrimary Responsibilities
- Assist the Chief Director in leading the execution of the tasks and functions of each directorate;
- Propose to the Chief Director:
- The formation of work teams, medical staff groups, installations, business management units, and/or other nomenclature within each directorate;
- Candidates for managers, heads of medical staff groups, installations, business management units, and/or other nomenclature within each directorate;
- Plans for staffing needs, promotions, demotions, and rotations within each directorate;
- Employee performance evaluations within each directorate;
- Development of services and cooperation with relevant stakeholders;
- Service tariffs delegated by the Minister of Finance to the head of the public service agency according to the needs of each directorate; and
- Needs for state-owned assets, budgets, procurement of goods and services, and disposal of state-owned assets within each directorate.
Key Objectives and DeliverablesQualifications:
- Support effective leadership.
- Team and structure development
- Staff management and development
- Service and stakeholder enhancement
- Financial and resource management:
- Bachelor’s or Diploma IV degree in medicine or dentistry
- Have cumulative experience in a related field of duty for at least 5 (five) years.
- Currently holds or has held an administrative position or a professional expert position at the intermediate level for at least 2 (two) years
- First-Level Senior Supervisor (IV/b)
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui tautan berikut ini :
Ketentuan :
- Hanya pemohon terbaik lah yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahap seleksi selanjutnya.
- Lowongan Aspen Medical ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali.
Jika Anda belum tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja Director of Medical and Nursing Services Expatriate Position Makassar Maret 2025 Aspen Medical tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info loker yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Makassar berikut ini.
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Home Tutoring - Makassar Age max 40 years old Strong command and of written and spoken English (Fluent in English) Excellent understanding of phoneme system