Lowongan Kerja Warehouse Assistant Bayer Depok 2025
Bayer DepokLowongan Kerja Bayer 2025 - Bayer saat ini memberi peluang karir bagi Anda melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Warehouse Assistant yang akan ditempatkan di Depok. Silakan simak info rekrutmen selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Loker Bayer 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Warehouse Assistant Depok TerbaruWarehouse Assistant
- Assist Warehouse Foreman by carrying out warehouse operational activities directly according to good warehouse management starting from receiving, storage, delivery, administration and other related activities at PT. Bayer Indonesia. Warehouse Assistant here is a Warehouse Operator who has the status of a Permanent Employee and a direct Bayer contract employee (Bayer Temp).
- Receive inventory items consisting of raw materials, packaging materials, semi-finished materials and finished materials.
- Receive non-inventory goods consisting of Fixed Assets and Consumable Materials.
- Accept returns of returned and rejected goods.
- Storing and moving goods according to their location and purpose
- Preparing and sending goods for Operations purposes as well as the return process
- Prepare and send goods for export and domestic purposes or other specific purposes.
- Identifying goods or attaching goods labels
- Ensure goods and pallets stored in the warehouse are in good condition, clean, neat, and safe.
- Carrying out administrative and documentation activities related to receiving, storing, returning, transferring, and sending goods.
- Administrative activities carried out can be manual recording or transactions using the SAP system within a certain scope assigned by superiors.
- Operate Material Handling Equipment and equip yourself with appropriate Personal Safety Equipment
- Perform periodic inventory calculations to ensure item accuracy.
- Carrying out other activities that add value and support good warehouse management.
- Maintain the work area, warehouse in a clean, neat and safe condition.
- Use and maintain warehouse infrastructure and facilities properly, correctly and responsibly.
- Carry out duties with full responsibility in accordance with applicable SOPs, GMP principles and applicable occupational health & safety guidelines and company compliance rules.
- Actively participate in making savings and avoiding waste, reducing work complexity and continuous improvement in the warehouse to support the company's Operation Excellence
- Carry out good communication and cooperation with fellow colleagues and superiors. Report directly to superiors if irregularities occur in the warehouse.
- Carry out other tasks and activities, if necessary, based on orders from superiors.
- High School graduate or equivalent
- Mastering good warehouse management procedures
- Have computer skills to process data and numbers
- Understand the basic principles of cGMP
- Honest, detailed, thorough, accurate, cooperative, and loyal
- Prioritize occupational health and safety
- Oriented to results and continuous improvement
- Willing to carry out tasks according to applicable SOPs
- Willing to carry out all company regulations and rules.
Application Period: 29 May 2024 - 11 June 2024 Reference Code: 818495
Division: Consumer Health Location: Indonesia : West Java : Cimanggis
Functional Area: Supply Chain Management Position Grade: R05
Employment Type: Contractual Work Time: Flexi Hours - 8 working hours
Contact Us
Address Telephone E-Mail
PT Bayer Indonesia
Menara Astra, 33rd floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.5-6, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia+622130491111
[email protected]
Pendaftaran :
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara daring melalui laman berikut ini :
Keterangan :
- Hanya pemohon terbaik lah yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan penerimaan selanjutnya.
- Lowongan Bayer ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.
Jika Kalian tidak berminat dengan Loker Warehouse Assistant Depok April 2025 Bayer tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info loker yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Depok berikut ini.
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