Lowongan Kerja G R Advance A&O Shearman Jakarta 2025
A&O Shearman JakartaLowongan Kerja A&O Shearman 2025 - A&O Shearman sedang memberi peluang karir bagi Teman-teman melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai G R Advance yang akan ditempatkan di Jakarta. Silakan baca persyaratan rekrutmen selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Rekrutmen A&O Shearman 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja G R Advance Jakarta TerbaruGinting & Reksodiputro in association with A&O Shearman (G&R) is a top tier Indonesia law practice and our lawyers are well-established leaders in the local market. We provide first class integrated full service on Indonesian and cross border transactions. This is what clients have come to expect from A&O Shearman across the world.
G&R welcomes third to final year university law students to join G&R Advance program. This four-day program designed to those who have a strong aspiration to work as a corporate lawyer. During this program, we will provide you with a first-hand opportunity to nurture your potential as future corporate lawyer in an international law firm. In addition, you will receive an extensive career coaching session with the award-winning HR team in Jakarta on how to thrive in the lawyering profession in the ever-changing business landscape.
By the end of the program, successful candidate will be offered a golden ticket to secure a position in our competitive Graduate Internship Program upon their graduation.
Requirements:This is an equal opportunity program. We welcome candidates across the archipelago (Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke) to apply for this G&R Advance program.
- Enrolled as third to final year law students (5th to 7th semester) from notable universities in Indonesia;
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English;
- Minimum current GPA of 3.0;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting an X factor that is unique to you and professional internship experiences;
- Submit your expression of interests (approx. 200 words) which comprises:
- Reasons as to why you would like to become a corporate lawyer instead of becoming an in-house lawyer or consultant; and
- How would you leverage Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with A&O Shearman as the platform for you to deliver impactful results to greater communities (i.e. both in macro or micro setting).
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silakan melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui link di bawah ini :
Perhatian :
- Hanya pemohon terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahap rekrutmen selanjutnya.
- Seleksi Penerimaan A&O Shearman ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun.
Apabila Kalian tidak tertarik dengan Lowongan G R Advance Jakarta Maret 2025 A&O Shearman tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info rekrutmen yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Jakarta berikut ini.
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