Lowongan Kerja Software Maintenance Staff Professional Outsourcing Solutions Tangerang 2025
Professional Outsourcing Solutions TangerangLowongan Kerja Professional Outsourcing Solutions 2025 - Professional Outsourcing Solutions tengah membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk Saudara melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi formasi jabatan sebagai Software Maintenance Staff yang akan ditempatkan di Tangerang. Silakan lihat info loker selengkapnya berikut ini :
Loker Professional Outsourcing Solutions 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Software Maintenance Staff Tangerang TerbaruPT Indodev Niaga Internet
STAFF - 3 Months Probation
Software Maintenance Staff is responsible for dealing with customer complaints, queries, and requests for information about PT Indodev Niaga Internet's products. Software Maintenance Staff is also providing input and feedback to the development and implementation teams.
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), or equivalent.
- Familiar with Client Side Scripting Languages and Technologies such as JavaScript and AJAX
- Familiar with Server Side Web Scripting Languages such as ColdFusion, PHP, or ASP
- Familiar with DBMS and basic scripting in MySQL and MS SQL Server. Moderate in technical programming algorithms.
- Basic understanding of server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
- Knowledge of advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as AngularJS, React JS, and jQuery, is a plus
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
- Having project experience using new tech is a plus.
- Full-Time position(s) available.
- Overtime: As per Prevailing Regulation
- Free Lunch: Free Lunch
- Pension Fund : Pension Fund
- Medical Allowance: Medical Allowance
Aplikasi Lamaran :
Bagi yang berminat, silakan lakukan pendaftaran dengan membuka tautan berikut :
Keterangan :
- Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahap rekrutmen lebih lanjut.
- Seleksi Penerimaan Professional Outsourcing Solutions ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun.
Jika Saudara tidak tertarik dengan Lowongan Software Maintenance Staff Tangerang Maret 2025 Professional Outsourcing Solutions di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba mencari info pekerjaan yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Tangerang berikut ini.
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