Lowongan Kerja Program Manager Makassar Aspen Medical Makassar 2025
Aspen Medical MakassarLowongan Kerja Aspen Medical 2025 - Aspen Medical kembali memberi peluang karir untuk Kalian melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna menempati posisi jabatan sebagai Program Manager Makassar yang akan ditugaskan di Makassar. Silakan simak info rekrutmen selengkapnya di bawah ini :
Rekrutmen Aspen Medical 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Program Manager Makassar Makassar TerbaruSCOPE OF WORK
This position PROGRAM MANAGER is responsible for provide strong positive leadership to a portfolio of Business Units, Contracts and/or Project, promoting collaboration in the achievement of high quality and commercially viable healthcare services. Facilitate the delivery of effective and efficient healthcare services that are consistent with strategic and/or contractual requirements and the relevant clinical standards, with an aim of achieving customer and workforce satisfaction.
The PROGRAM MANAGER main roles are:
- In consultation with Chief of Operation, analyse contractual requirements and appropriately scope Service Requirements and related deliverables.
- Effectively measure, monitor and control the management of Service delivery to ensure:
- Efficient and effective day to day management of human resources,
- all services are delivered in line with strategic, contractual and/or operational requirements,
- all clinical service delivery if of a high quality and meet all relevant operational standards,
- compliance with all milestones and operational
- Demonstrate strong collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure all aspects of the strategic delivery of the Service are met.
- Ensures sound commercial management is achieved, consistent with budgets, cost controls and profitability forecasts.
- Facilitates a high-level contract administration discipline to ensure compliance, maintenance and periodic reviews are recorded.
- Ensures the delivery of all necessary internal and external service delivery and operational reports.
- Participate and facilitate, as required, in the implementation, maintenance and promotion of quality management system (QMS).
- Deliver and facilitate, as required, all risk assessment, reporting and incident management, inclusive of staff health safety and environment obligation and issues.
- Ensure workforce compliance to organizational systems, processes and communication mechanism.
- Using best judgement ensure the Chief of Operation is informed of any contractual, operational, IR, HR and or HSE issues as soon as practicable.
- Ensure all obligations under HSE requirements are met, with guidelines, policies and procedures adhered to.
- Promote and participate in Business Development Activities.
- Other duties as directed by the Chief of Operation
Day-to-day activities of the (position name) are:
- Adheres to and promotes the organisational ethos and works to achieve goals in line with strategic objectives.
- Provide contractual compliance analysis and develops business planning in accordance with commercial viability.
- Demonstrate sound computer literacy, utilizing MS office, Excel and Project software with an ability to adopt new operating system as required.
- Demonstrate the following attributes:
- Autonomy, initiative and flexibility to problem solving and day to day task assignment and delegations.
- Ability to prioritize tasks and responsibilities – facilitating seamless support and leadership to service delivery personnel.
- Ability to communicate clearly and deliberately, with application of appropriate interpersonal skills and diplomacy.
- Demonstrate effective collaboration, delegation and personnel management skills.
- Applies the following knowledge and skills:
- Demonstrates a working understanding of budget and financial reporting tools.
- Demonstrate high level of proficiency in developing business plans and contract/project control measures.
- Experience in implementation and management of a range of concurrent project and business initiatives.
- Sound knowledge of the concepts, strategies and issues associated with the implementation of business improvement initiatives and related projects.
- Well developed analytical, conceptual and problem solving skills, including the ability to analyse complex issues and to develop a range of practical options for their resolution.
- Demonstrates the ability to be client focused, responsive, flexible and committed to deliver quality service and improvement in an environment of continuous change.
- Significant experience in a leadership role with an understanding of staff management principles applied to create motivational work environments.
- Prefer has knowledge of health service industry
- Prefer formal Contract or Project Management Qualification; i.e. Post Graduate Certification in Project Management
- Prefer native Makassar
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Jika Anda tidak berminat dengan Rekrutmen Program Manager Makassar Makassar Maret 2025 Aspen Medical tersebut, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info rekrutmen yang mirip dari beberapa perusahaan di Makassar berikut ini.
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