Lowongan Kerja General Admin Pontianak Branch Rentokil Initial Pontianak 2025
Rentokil Initial PontianakLowongan Kerja Rentokil Initial 2025 - Rentokil Initial kembali memberi peluang karir untuk Anda melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru guna mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai General Admin Pontianak Branch yang akan ditempatkan di Pontianak. Silakan lihat keterangan lowongan kerja selengkapnya berikut ini :
Loker Rentokil Initial 2025
Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja General Admin Pontianak Branch Pontianak TerbaruRentokil Initial is an international business services company employing over 35,000 colleagues across 70 countries. We strive to protect people and enhance lives, for example by controlling pests, improving hygiene, and improving interior spaces with plants and scenting. We are experts in the field we operate in, investing in training, science, innovation, and technology. Listening and acting on feedback is part of our culture to support colleagues and our customers. Rentokil Initial regards equality and fairness as a fundamental right of all of its colleagues. We live our values of service, Relationships, and Teamwork which our colleagues across the world identified.
Our family of businesses; Rentokil Pest Control is the world's leading commercial pest control company, operating in 70 countries and ranked in the top 3 in 65 of those countries. Ranking in the top 3 in 38 of the 44 countries we operate in, Initial Hygiene is the market leader that provides quality, diligent and friendly services to all customers. In France, Initial Workwear specialists in the supply and laundering of workwear, garments, and protective uniforms and equipment: focusing on top-quality products and services. Our plant business, Ambitious is seen as the expert in interior and exterior 'landscaping"; operating across the US, Europe, Asia & Pacific. Steritech Branch Protection by Rentokil Initial is an industry leader and pioneer, providing innovative solutions that help customers to mitigate risks and drive business growth. We also have specialist businesses such as Medical Services, Specialist Hygiene and Property Care, which lead their respective fields. Across all of our operations globally, we have a positive reputation among our customers for our knowledge and integrity. We have central support functions of Human Resource, IT, Finance, Legal, and Marketing & Innovation in the Rentokil Initial Head Office locations and in the Country. You would support all of our businesses within our function departments.
Job Description
1. Follow up dan merekap invoice pengeluaran dan transfer uang operasional ke tim service
2. Membuat rekap dan menerima barang/material dari pengiriman Gudang HO
3. Mengurus masalah administrasi lainnya seperti proses dokumen karyawan casual dan kontrak atau karyawan resign.
4. FU dan rekap docket/bukti service dari tim service (SPV/teknisi) customer NKA dan NON NKA
5. Membantu pengiriman invoice.
6. Managing stock di semua Depo di Kalimantan Barat (Singkawang, Ketapang, Manis Mata, Wilmar-Kumai)
7. Support collection di Pontianak
8. Berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan cabang Tangerang (Branch Administration Supervisor)
- Lulusan minimal D3/S1 terutama di bidang Administrasi /Akuntansi /Manajemen /Keuangan/ Teknik Industri/ Komputer/ Manajemen Informasi
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bagian Administrasi penjualan dan operasional
- Mengerti dasar-dasar PPh Perorangan dan PPh Badan
- Skill : Leadership, Microsoft excel dan Microsoft Word
- Kemampuan komunikasi dan teamwork yang bagus
- Basic Salary
- Allowance
- Incentive
- Career path
Cara Melamar :
Bagi yang tertarik, silakan lakukan pengisian form dengan membuka link di bawah :
Perhatian :
- Hanya pelamar terbaik lah yang akan ditelepon untuk mengikuti tahap penerimaan selanjutnya.
- Lowongan Rentokil Initial ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun.
Apabila Kalian belum berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja General Admin Pontianak Branch Pontianak April 2025 Rentokil Initial di atas, maka Anda dapat mencoba melihat info rekrutmen yang serupa dari beberapa perusahaan di Pontianak di bawah ini.
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